Pirates of the Caribbean(online game)Updated 8/23/08
This fun online game a person could get hooked on. The setting is similar to the movie. You design a characters size, sex and shape before taking on the Caribbean in a pirates shoes(or sandals). Kick your way out of jail(you don't die here but put in the jail, closest to were you were defeated in battle. If you loose a battle at sea you return to the jail at the last port you sailed from.)
Now you have a strange world to explore. The British military, undead pirates, giant wasps, alligators, bats and many other dangers face you (the pirate) and your rusty sword the weapon you start with. Later you acquire a gun, voodoo doll and cannons by completing quests assigned to you by various characters in the game. As you complete your quests notoriety is gained and leveling is risen as fights are won.
At many times during the game one may be surrounded by enemies, most of the time it takes provoking to engage in a battle. Simply stay away from the higher level enemies at first to avoid a good swift butt kicking. However much higher level creatures and ships may be defeated when the situation involves more than one pirate. Just gang up on the enemies with your fellow online 'hearties'.
This is were I think I am missing out on a lot of the games design intent, socialization and pirates forming crews. I am not a very social player, helping others only when the situation arises. Occasionally another player will get on my ship and man a cannon.
The high seas...my favorite part of the game. You get two ships one small and one large. I like the small one it seems easier to maneuver during battle. The larger one may be able to inflict and sustain more damage I'm not sure. When engaged in high seas battle right click and hold down to adjust the view of your opponent this is crucial to winning. After sinking the enemy ship you are rewarded with booty. As with normal combat, players can work together. Players cannot harm each other but if you want to fight other gamers online you can do so in a special mode.
I have barely scratched the surface of this interesting game. At level eight I am still a rookie running around this world completing tasks and sinking ships for fun. I have to also mention I am playing the free version, to cheap to spend the five bucks a month for all kinds of upgrades. In summary I give this game a 10.
The game designers have now added an option that allows you to battle other players and crew at sea. One can fight for the French or the Spanish. It's a blast, just when I thought I was done with the game....I'm hooked. Who could resist going after the largest ship and crew and single handedly sink them with the smallest boat on the high seas!
Although a well armed larger ship will win in an all out toe to toe slugfest a person can take down any ship with the light sloop that you recieve(in the beging of the game). Just use your speed advantage and make every shot count on advancing and retreating from the big boys. If you get good at this the enemy will either gang up on you or run when they see your ship leave port. All good pirate fun.
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