Flying using special commands playing phosphor.
Overview of Weapons in Phosphor:
1 machine gun-Up to 200 rounds, best at short to medium range, rapid fire.
2 pulse gun-As many as 200 electric pulse shots, best at short range, somewhat inaccurate.
3 sniper rifle-Up to 50 rounds, slowest to re-load, best at long range, the most accurate and maybe most damaging gun, right click to adjust
the scope, right click again to deactivate. (my favorite)
4 rocket launcher-Up to 50 rounds, best at medium to long range, aim for the enemy's feet or structure close to them so
they catch the explosion. Make sure not to wound yourself with the rocket launcher by firing into the ground or close structure.
phosphor Shooting/fighting tips.
1 Practice with the different weapons on walls to see patterns.
2 When sniping one can place a shot head high into a wall. Then use the bullet hole as a reference point to hit the opponents
in the melon when they run by.
3 Use the rocket launcher when you can barely see the target, the explosion spreads nicely about.
4 The machine gun seems to work best in close quarters combat. Charge at the bastards while firing at the head.
5 If forced to retreat(low health), run backwards firing the whole time.
6 Get to know the re-spawn areas: Take advantage of the re-birth and take players off guard, also keeps you from getting shot in the back with no warning.
7 Listen to the sounds-This game has great sound effects that one can use for strategic advantage, like someone using the elevator.
8 Good practice place is the 'fan room', were you can get alot of action. Fight for the only armor(that seems to double the shots one can take). And try to shoot
opponents while air born.
9 Players with yellow armor are easy to spot.
How to glitch playing phosphor
Phosphor Dirty tricks
1 Wait by a re-spawn area and shoot em in the back.
2 Hang out by a health pack and pick off the wounded as they go for it.
3 To become invincible press ~ while playing, then type god, then enter, then ~ again.
4 To fly press ~ while playing, then type gravity 10, then enter, then ~ again, then jump(spacebar) while playing.
5 To stop fly mode press ~ while playing, then type gravity 950, then ~ again.
Recommended for playback:
1.6 GHz or faster CPU
64 MB or greater video card
Internet Explorer 6.x (though many people report success with Firefox, Safari)
Play Phosphor @ rasterwerks

Sin Mark Playing tips